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Dr Sindra Sharma

Senior Policy and Governance Advisor


Dr Sindra Sharma has experience in climate change policy and advocacy, particularly within the Pacific context, directly aligns with the selection criteria.

In her current role as Senior Policy Advisor at PICAN and Strategy Lead at the Loss and Damage Collaboration, Dr Sharma provides strategic policy advice to Pacific negotiators and CSOs at key multilateral events like COP28 and its Subsidiary and ancillary body meetings, demonstrating in-depth knowledge of UNFCCC processes and Pacific priorities.

Throughout her career, including in her time at iDERA and the COP23 Presidency, Dr Sharma has consistently demonstrated a thorough understanding of the unique challenges and needs faced by SIDS and an in-depth technical and practical understanding of navigating the policy and procedural space of the UNFCCC and its Paris Agreement (COP/CMA).

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