PICAN Membership
The Pacific Islands Climate Action Network (PICAN) is currently made up of more than 190 member organisations from around the Pacific region—inclusive of non-governmental organisations, community groups and youth clubs.

350.0rg - Pacific
350 Pacific is a youth-led grassroots network working with communities to fight climate change from the Pacific Islands and diaspora. It is part of the global 350.org, an international environmental organization and movement addressing the climate crisis by fighting for an end to the use of fossil fuels and transition to renewable energy.

Alliance for Future Generations
Alliance for Future Generations (AFG) is a young people led network on sustainable development, working to build a more fair, equitable and sustainable future for all. Recognising the interconnectedness of the issues that young Fijians face, AFG takes a coordinated, intersectional and human-rights-based approach to identify and address the root causes of social, economic, and ecological challenges.

Climates is a non-profit organisation that is building a network of volunteers, supporters, communities and businesses across Australia and the Pacific Islands region, working towards an empowered Oceania collaborating for the region’s sustainable future in the face of climate change.

Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation
Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation (DEPC) is a department under the Ministry of Climate Change Adaptation, Meteorology & Geo-Hazards, Environment, Energy and Disaster Management, with a vision of "Leading Vanuatu to a clean, resilient and sustainable environment".
DIVA for Equality
DIVA for Equality is a feminist national collective and network of high need and marginalised lesbians, bisexual women, trans masculine and gender nonconforming and intersex women and people working from local to global, on issues of human rights and social justice, including gender and sexual, social, economic and ecological justice, prioritising work in Fiji and Pacific Island states.

Honiara City Council
Solomon Islands
Honiara City Council (HCC) consists of the elected Councillors from Honiara’s 12 wards, Honiara Members of Parliament from East, Central and West Constituencies, and four more Appointed Councillors as appointed by the Minister of Home Affairs or a total of 20 members.

Human Capacity Development International (HCDI)
Human Capacity Development International (HCDI) is a Vanuatu-based NGO aiming to empower people and build their capacity through projects and services that focus on collaborative, participatory, consultative, and sustainable practices and processes.

Kastom Garden Association
Solomon Islands
Kastom Garden Association (KGA) works with Solomon Island communities to improve their food security through encouraging self reliance and sustainable organic food production for families and local markets, supporting farmer to farmer extensions and networks and family nutrition, and providing training and assistance in setting up and managing community-based seed and staple food crop planting material production/ distribution networks.

Otepaina Tribal Forest Conservation
Solomon Islands
Otepaina Tribal Forest Conservation (OTFC) is a community based conservation initiative to conserve local forest and preserve and showcase local natural, cultural and social heritage. OTFC is formally registered under the Charitable Act of the Solomon Islands Government.

Oxfam in the Pacific
Regional / Fiji
Oxfam in the Pacific is part of an international confederation of 18 organisations working with partners and local communities in 65 countries around the world. Oxfam in the Pacific’s vision is one where Pacific Island peoples are leading and shaping their own development and where their voices are heard and acted on by those in power.

Pacific Conference of Churches
Regional / Fiji
Pacific Conference of Churches (PCC) is an ecumenical organization representing Christian churches in the Pacific region. It seeks the visible unity of the church on issues of justice, peace and integrity of creation, initiatives on capacity building, and solidarity with its members during times of natural disasters and internal social upheavals.

Pacific Islands Development Forum
Regional / Fiji
Pacific Islands Development Forum (PIDF) is a regional organisation seeking to act as a multipartite platform for government leaders, the private sector and civil society, to create dynamic partnerships in which leaders and representatives of Pacific countries take ownership of the decisions and actions implemented to meet their specific development needs.

PaCivic Initiatives
Solomon Islands
PaCivic Initiatives aims to create practical and innovative solutions to current issues and provide project management and implementation support to private and government sectors in areas such as Conservation and Protection of the Environment, Social, Political, Economic and Business sectors.

People with Disability Solomon Islands
Solomon Islands
People with Disability Solomon Islands (PWDSI) is the National Disabled Peoples’ Organization in Solomon Islands. It is a registered organization under the Charitable Act and its mission is to promote and advocate the rights of persons with disabilities.

Solomon Islands National University
Solomon Islands
Solomon Islands National University (SINU) was established in 2013 by the Government of the Solomon Islands to provide quality and affordable education. SINU now has five faculties namely Faculty of Business & Tourism Studies, Faculty of Science & Technology, Faculty of Nursing, Medicine & Health Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry and Faculty of Education & Humanities.

Te Kopu Pacific Indigenous & Local Knowledge Centre of Distinction
Regional / New Zealand
Te Kopu Pacific Indigenous & Local Knowledge Centre of Distinction was established to assist in mainstreaming Indigenous and local knowledge into the Intergovernmental Policy-Science Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services and in monitoring and implementation of the Platform’s work.

Tuvalu Red Cross
Tuvalu Red Cross is part of the International Federation of Red Cross, working to build resilience in vulnerable communities in Tuvalu. Red Cross brings assistance without discrimination to the wounded, helps prevent and alleviate human suffering wherever it may be found, and aims to protect life and health and to ensure respect for the human being.

United Nations Association
United Nations Association (UNA) Fiji is a non-governmental organisation working to enhance the relationship between the United Nations and Fiji as a member state, and focuses on creating international consensus around the climate emergency as well as a shared plan for saving the planet’s most exceptional places.

Vanuatu Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Vanuatu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) is Vanuatu’s National Private Sector organisation, aiming to contribute to a stable and prosperous economy, encouraging trade, investment and providing economic opportunities for all members of society throughout Vanuatu.

Vanuatu Christian Council
Vanuatu Christian Council (VCC) is a non -government organisatiion, that is made up of her seven member churches, the Presbyterian, Catholic, Church of Christ, Apostolic, Aglican, Assemblies of God, and the seventh Day Adventist, including her para churches, the Bible society and the Scripture Union.

Vanuatu Disability Promotion Advocacy Association
Vanuatu Disability Promotion Advocacy Association (VDPA) is the national Disabled People’s Organization (DPO) of Vanuatu. VDPA is a registered charitable organisation first established on 4th April 1999 with the mandate to advocate for rights and promote abilities of people with disabilities in Vanuatu.

Vanuatu Internet Governance Forum
Vanuatu Internet Governance Forum (Vanuatu IGF) is part of the global Internet Governance Forum (IGF), a multistakeholder platform that facilitates the discussion of public policy issues pertaining to the internet. Vanuatu IGF exists to foster dialogue between all local stakeholders from the government, private sector, civil society, technical community and consumers on internet governance issues.

Vanuatu National Youth Council
Vanuatu National Youth Council (VNYC) aims to serve as a forum in which issues relating to the needs, problems and aspirations of young people can be discussed; to encourage and promote active participation of young people in the political, social, economic, cultural and religious development of their communities and the country.
Vunausi Environmental and Conservation Organisation (VECO)
Vunausi Environmental and Conservation Organisation (VECO) is a local non-governmental organisation based in South Santo in SANMA province in Vanuatu, working with communities to establish integrated farming approaches, improve farming, sustainable land management and food security and reduce pressure on natural resources.

World Wildlife Foundation
Solomon Islands
World Wildlife Foundation (WWF) is an international non-governmental organisation that works in the field of wilderness preservation and the reduction of human impact on the environment. The WWF Pacific Solomon Islands office has a strong focus on Community Based Resource Management which is a critical and central strategy of the Solomon Islands government for securing benefits of marine and terrestrial resources under their National Plan of Action (NPOA).